Marketing Matters

Marketing Matters

Marketing matters.

Small and not-so-small business owners alike know this to be true, and yet, another brandless & radio silent year passes you, your clients and your would-be prospects by….again. Year after year.

Why, though? Where is the disconnect?

Here is what I typically see when a leader is not invested in the marketing strategy of their company:

1. The vague concept of “marketing” sits on the shelf all year, only to get dusted off during the annual planning meeting, just in time to go right back up on that shelf.


2. Someone with qualifications for any number of other jobs in the organization (but with no marketing experience) now attempts to absorb the role of “marketer” in addition to their other, entirely non-marketing related job functions.

And so the story goes…

Paralyzed and unable to begin, or a misalignment of resources and expectations.

You have a choice. Continue to delay a long-term growth strategy built on the foundation of who you are and the people you serve, or, simply begin.

Referral growth is a testament to how strong your brand already is. My role as a brand & marketing strategist is to uncover all of the pieces that make your brand you & unique, and effectively share those with your clients and future clients.

Welcome to the website, Thanks for visiting, I’m happy to have you here.

My name is Kristen Karlin - brands, marketing, communications & strategy fire me up. You’ll be hearing more from me, and I hope to hear from you, too.


Is Your Organization's Brand an Asset or a Liability?

Is Your Organization's Brand an Asset or a Liability?